Sports Medicine

Got runner’s knee? Tech neck? Mental blocks? IMPACT’s health and wellness experts reveal therapies and treatments.

Walking is workday movement

Making Movement Part of the Workday

About a decade ago, experts dubbed sitting too long as the new smoking. And the fact remains, being sedentary isn’t good for your health.Anyone who has had a long day at the desk knows...
Woman Working Out

Recovery, Over-training & Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)

Getting sore muscles after a workout is a symptom you shouldn’t ignore.

Protect Yourself From Gender-Related Running Injuries

Men and women are prone to different running injuries – here’s what to do about it.

A Pain In The Neck

How repetitive stress can impact your neck health
Chronic Injuries

New Treatments for Old Injuries

Regenerative therapy holds promise for chronic overuse injuries

Too Tired to Exercise?

Maybe it’s time to look at your adrenal glands.
Shouldering Injuries

Shouldering Injuries

Don’t shrug off shoulder pain, avoid it with these tips.
Pains and Gains

Pains and Gains

Good pain, bad pain. What’s the difference?
Running Injuries

5 Tips To Stay Injury Free While Running

5 training tips to stay injury-free in the long run.
If No Pain, No Gain Becomes No Gym…

5 Common Gym Injuries and Remedies

What to do if no pain, no gain becomes no gym.

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Say Goodbye to Knee Pain with Bracelayer

Your knees are the largest and most important joints in your body. They’re also the joints that are most susceptible to injury, as they...
Invictus Games

Unconquerable Spirit

Visually impaired players spinning their wheelchairs on the basketball court, amputees spiking the ball in sitting volleyball, PTSD warriors sweeping the ice in wheelchair...

How to Get More Deep Sleep: Make Your Bedroom the Ultimate...

With hectic work schedules and competing responsibilities, many adults struggle to get the deep, restorative sleep their bodies need, leading to groggy mornings and...

Registration for the 2025 Bank of America Chicago Marathon is Open

Every October, participants from across the country and around the world unite on the streets of Chicago to conquer 26.2 miles and call themselves...


Sergey Raiter’s pursuit of towards better health began over 12 years ago with a pivotal moment—an unexpected shoulder injury. While working at a Thai...
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