Practical Fitness Hacks for Your Best Year
Now that we are into 2025, let’s refocus our energy on our theme for the year. Just as a business or a school has a mission statement, it is time for each of us...
How to Rock Your Winter Runs
Mother Nature is not always kind to runners and in Canada, winter is here. This means snow and ice cover your favorite running routes, temperatures dip below zero, cold winds blow in your face...
Fast After 50
For athletes who have been in their sports for a long time, as in several decades, performance declines as they move north of 50 years of age. The research tells us that there are...
Eccentric Resistance Training
Resistance training has gained tremendous popularity among fitness enthusiasts. The benefits of strength training are highly researched and indicate the importance for a wide range of goals and needs from increased function for daily...
Ready to Ruck
On a bluebird day last fall, a dozen people met in a Regina park. Their goal for the day: to carry heavy objects. For six hours they traded loads: logs for sandbags; weighted backpacks...
Discover the World by Foot with Fastpacking
The warm summer temperatures have arrived, and I’m certain we are all deep into enjoying these precious few months that see us stepping out into nature, breaking free from normal activities and exploring more...
Taking Zen to the Water with SUP Yoga
Stand-up paddleboard (SUP) yoga is a term that has gained popularity over the last few years. The practice combines the physical and mental benefits of both yoga and paddleboarding, making a fantastic combo.The physical...
Take Your Hike to New Heights
Ahh, hiking in the great outdoors: connecting with nature on the trail, soaking up the sun through the trees, freezing in uncertainty when you stumble upon a humongous moose… wait, what?A day spent hiking...
Best Exercise Items to Pack for Workouts While Travelling
Does the thought of travelling bring upon a sense of anxiety, knowing you're stepping away from your fitness routine and putting all of your hard work at risk? Well, it doesn't have to. Just...
Using Nature as Your Playground
As a once-upon-a-time trainer returning from a three-year hiatus, I was searching for what was next. I wanted the future. I figured there was some juicy system combining tech wizardry and traditional methods out there,...