Posture for Performance
“Stand up straight, sit tall and stop slouching.” How often have we heard this from our parents and teachers? Turns out, they’re right.Posture influences psychology, comfort, pain, and performance. Good posture results in...
Blood Flow Restriction Training
Whether you’re interested in a different way to get results in the gym, trying to keep up with strength training after an injury, or you are a pro athlete looking to get to the...
Get Static Stretching Back into Your Warm-up
Practical analysis of research shows benefits for sport performance.
Muscle Matters
Over the last century, we have added more than 30 years to the human lifespan. Sadly, healthspan — the period of our lives during which we’re in good health — has not kept pace with...
Diagnosing Summertime Foot Injuries
With summer on our doorstep, most people are looking to spend more time outside and be more active. This includes more walking, hiking, running and exploring our beautiful landscape and your feet will help...
Roll with It
The popularity of self-myofascial release (SMR), otherwise known as “foam rolling,” has skyrocketed in the last decade. Due to this growth, the practice has become a relatively common and practical method for increasing flexibility...
The Key to Healthy Hips
Having problems progressing with your training? Can’t improve your time in competition? Getting recurrent pain or injuries, involving the same sites? If so, it’s time to check your alignment, given that in over 80...
Sports Massage Therapy for Runners
When training hard for an event most people benefit from a massage weekly or at least monthly for maintenance. Treatment length depends on the areas of the body being treated. For a general full-body...
Born This Way – Rehumanizing Movement
After spending several years questioning knowledge I acquired during my Master’s of Physical Therapy program, I’ve learned that the way most of us go about improving our health is built on some false assumptions....
Switching from Stretching to Mobilization
“You need to stretch!”You’ve heard it a million times before. The perplexing assertion that you’re not stretching enough and that it’s why you’re injured or sore, slow or clumsy. Think of your first coach...