How Walkable Cities Impact Health
Think back to when you were eight years old. What was your walking range unaccompanied by an adult? In the 1920s, it was often nine kilometres. For the next generation, it was less than...
Travel Tips for the Athlete
Travelling overseas for a race or a sports tournament can be exciting and daunting for an athlete. Giving yourself adequate time to prepare is key to ensure a safe and successful time abroad.Check Out...
How to Make a Natural First Aid Kit
The truth is, a lot of the products on the market that are designed to keep bugs away or heal cuts are not the most health-friendly. In fact, many of these products contain nasty...
Sobriety Through Fitness
I recently had a conversation with someone about their experience with alcohol and addiction. They expressed excitement about just finishing a workout, which is a common theme in recovery. As a personal trainer with 25...
Strength Training: Pump Iron to Boost Mood
The positive effects of exercise on mental health have been well established — exercise promotes both cognitive function (especially as we age) and psychological health. In keeping with our models of understanding, though, much of...
The Difference Between Sadness and Depression
Depression can affect people of all ages and backgrounds. It is mainly characterized by feelings of prolonged sadness, hopelessness, and a loss of interest or pleasure in previously enjoyable activities. Unfortunately, many people still...
The Power of Music Therapy
Music is such an essential part of our lives, intertwined in so many of our daily activities.Anyone who has blasted a favourite rock classic at a party, pressed play on an energizing pop anthem...
Sober-Curious AF (Alcohol-Free)
Alcohol seems to have found a place in almost all adult leisure activities, from Sunday brunch, to celebratory dinners, to 5 p.m. on any given weekday. But a new culture has emerged that eschews...
Vitamin D Studies Show Promise in Helping Prevent Dementia
Researchers at the University of Calgary’s Hotchkiss Brain Institute and the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom explored the relationship between vitamin D supplementation and dementia in more than 12,000 participants and found...
Run Early or Run Later
I like to think that I am a morning person in spirit, as I often wake up early. However, to say I am a morning person in practice would be an outright lie. A...