Yoga For Runners
Running is a fabulous sport that invigorates the body and mind, perhaps explaining why it is one of the most popular sports worldwide. But it is common for running goals to be derailed as...
Seeking the truth behind running injuries
Runners seeking a magic bullet to prevent injuries will have to keep searching.A study published in the Journal of Athletic Training in September 2021 sought correlations between running-related injuries and training parameters—such as distance,...
On your Mark, Get Set, Go!
Most of us know the benefits of running long and incorporating tempos in workouts. But we are now understanding that there are huge benefits in including short sprints. Who would have thought that tearing...
A Guide to Running a Half-Marathon in Under Two Hours
Running under two hours in the half-marathon is an achievable goal for many runners. In this gentle half build you will be guided through a 12-week training plan where the goal is to run...
20 Weeks to Your Marathon PB
If you are someone who has ran marathons before but is looking to achieve a new personal best, this is the plan for you. This 20-week plan assumes you can already comfortably run three...
Strength for Running
As a runner you know how important it is to have proper leg strength and power.Strength for runners is about building strong, lean muscles, keeping muscle mass down while maximizing strength. As the duration...
Eight Weeks to a Faster 10 Km
This simple training plan has you running four days a week with core and stretch sessions on rest days.Find or create a routine that gives you about 10 minutes’ worth of exercises with each...
Make it Dynamic!
Whether you’re heading out for a long run or bike ride, a fitness boot camp or an obstacle course race, a dynamic warm-up is an essential component to your workout and shouldn't be overlooked....
The secret is out! Climbing stormed into the fitness scene with three disciplines debuting at the 2020 Olympics: bouldering, sport climbing and speed climbing. You don’t have to be an Olympian to feel the...
TOTAL BODY One-Dumbbell Moves
Training at home and even at the gym with limited equipment can get boring fast. That’s why these exercises, which incorporate unique strength-training moves, only require the use of one dumbbell.Some of these one-dumbbell...