One of the most difficult challenges for the health, medical and fitness industry, is the ability for professionals to regularly stay in touch with hundreds of patients and clients.

Could you imagine a system where as a health and fitness provider you could have regular follow ups on a daily, or weekly basis with hundreds of patients and clients in minutes per week? Well, now there is a way to do it.

Enter – GoGet.Fit – an online portal where clients’ activity can be monitored, and daily efforts can be input through a few simple steps. Developed by Canadian physician, Dr. Peter Rawlek, the GoGet.Fit app uses behavior-changing tools, backed by research, to help patients achieve lifelong health and fitness.

GoGet.Fit (GGF) is a habit-engagement platform built by physicians with the goal of connecting healthcare and community-based fitness professionals in supporting a patient’s desire to become active.

“There is a new reality,” explains Dr. Rawlek. “We are all facing novel challenges. The previous ways of doing business are unlikely going to cut it in this new norm. Moving forward, success will be dependent on exploring novel ways of doing business. Over these past months, individuals have developed a newfound relationship with being virtually connected. Within this lies great opportunity,” he says.

Go Get Fit Chart

Who this fitness and health app is for:

  • Healthcare Professionals
  • Mental Health Care Professionals
  • Fitness Professionals
  • Educators

Benefits of the GoGet.Fit App

  • Time-Efficient Platform
    GGF was built by physicians who understand the time constraints faced by busy professionals. It requires only minutes a week to deliver support to hundreds of clients remotely.
  • Scalable
    Leveraging the GGF platform enables professionals to scale up their reach to IMPACT hundreds of clients remotely at one time. A connection that is immediate, intimate and secure.
  • Meaningful Connections
    Clients can use the app’s 24 Behavioural Change Tools to support activities that improve mental/physical wellness. Provider support is via virtual connection; this is key to clients. These virtual touches will increase adherence in those who use the client app by over 300 per cent.
  • Networking Healthcare and Fitness Communities
    GGF facilitates connections between healthcare providers (who get patients/clients started) and community-based fitness providers (who keep them going).
  • Remote Connections: A Line of Sight on Clients at Home
    The GGF Pro Portal aggregates, analyzes and categorizes all your clients’ data weekly, delivering it to your GGF dashboard in a format that only requires a few minutes to completely review and provide feedback to hundreds of clients. This opens up the possibility of supporting clients remotely at home on their terms and maintaining an authentic, remote connection.
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For more information on joining the GoGet.Fit (GGF) movement, visit