Is your Smartphone a Pain in the Neck?
If you suffer from chronic neck stiffness, back pain, shoulder tension and headaches, the root cause may be as close as your smartphone.
Winter is Cool!
When the temps dip way below zero, don’t hibernate. Make like a proud Canuck and indulge in these fun fitness outings that make the most of the deep freeze.IF YOU’RE IN VANCOUVER… If you...
Trail Running Calendar aids Vancouver Search and Rescue
Run Wild Vancouver is publishing its second trail running calendar in support of local search and rescue.
Protect Your Eyes This Winter
Freezing temperatures, dry air, cold wind and snow can all affect your eye health.
Epic Treadmiller
MitoCanada runners on emotional rollercoaster as records fall at 24-hour event.
Silver Stars: Jerome Iginla & Roberto Luongo
When IMPACT expanded to begin publishing in B.C., it became obvious some of the content would have to change.