Small, good things happen every day—but they can be clouded by the negativity and hardships present in our world. As such, we could all use little reminders of the good in our lives.
If you find that your inner Negative Nancy leads the way most days, let this be a challenge to you to shift your perspective. While you may notice happiness in large events such as trips or holidays, it’s the “small bits” of daily happiness that’ll change your outlook the most. Why? Well, for starters, they happen a lot more often—every day, to be exact.
Focusing on small bits of happiness in daily life is truly a transformative happiness hack. Small bits of happiness occur daily—all we need to do is search for them and build the habits of engaging in activities that boost our mood.
As you begin to focus on the small bits of happiness that are all around you, not only will you realize how much good there is in each and every day, but this awareness will help you witness a big change in your mindset—one to being more grateful.
Here’s how to find (and create) small bits of happiness everywhere you go.
Get Excited
While sipping your coffee, eating breakfast, or even brushing your teeth, think of one thing that you are excited about in the upcoming day. Perhaps it is a delicious dinner, listening to your favourite playlist, or the peaceful silence of your daily commute. Establishing something to look forward to daily (big or small) motivates us to drive forward in anticipation.
Make a List
Alone or with your family, share three things that bring you happiness every day. Share these at dinner time, journal them before getting ready for bed, or think about them while brushing your teeth. Perhaps it was a beautiful sunrise, a funny conversation with a friend or seeing your pet after work. Writing these good things down in a journal, a notes app on your phone, or discussing them with a family member/friend can boost your mood as you deliberately make note of the positivity in the world. In addition, hearing someone else’s good things can help you be on the lookout for more of these small bits of happiness.
Move and Get Outdoors
Movement is the key to making us feel happier. Make an effort to move and get outdoors daily. It can be as simple as a brief walk, a Pilates workout video, a 10-minute stretch, or a quick run around your neighbourhood. When we move our bodies or go outside, happiness hormones, called endorphins, are released, making us feel more joyful. Creating more opportunities for happiness to find you ensures contentment is top of mind—no matter what the day holds.
Make It a Habit
As you practice and gain experience in any area of life, those practices don’t just become easier, they also become more enjoyable. It takes on average 66 days to build a habit, so make an active effort to look for the good things in everyday life. As you make a concentrated effort to shift your outlook on life, watch as your practices become easier and more automated, resulting in more daily happiness regardless of life’s current circumstances.
Small Bits of Happiness Bucket List
Need help getting started on your journey to more happiness? Try to find these small bits of happiness over the next few weeks.
- Watch a beautiful sunrise/sunset
- Eat your favorite food
- Go for a walk
- Take a warm bath/shower
- Drink tea
- Go for a run
- Try a stretching video
- Clean out your closet and donate to charity
- Watch a comforting movie
- Clean out your pantry and donate non-expired products to the Food Bank
Photography by, Opal Photography Boutique and Executive Portraits
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