Running in the Footsteps of Heroes
It was an emotional moment for ultrarunner Dave Proctor as he ran over to his hero Terry Fox and kissed the feet of the bronze statue at Victoria, B.C.’s Mile 0. A journey that...
Artist Fosters Connection to Outdoors
Everything about Jessa Gilbert’s paintings suggests movement. The sweeping, fluid lines of her mountains; the way her use of colour makes it look like sun and shade are playing over her landscapes in real...
A Unique Running Companion
Shanda Hill and her four-year old goat.Runners have long kept animal companions. Most common are trail dogs; ultra runner Chris McDougall runs with his rescue donkey Sherman; then there’s Vernon, B.C.’s Shanda Hill and...
The Future Generation of Fitness
Brett Roberts has a teen CrossFit class in Charlottetown, P.E.I. that’s filled with girls. Oh, boys are welcome to train, but these young ladies have been inspired by the exploits of Anikha Greer, a...
Martin Parnell’s 10-Year Journey with IMPACT
How a magazine helped marathoner Martin Parnell become a household name while raising cash and consciousness.
A Natural Connection
Judith Kasiama feels at home when she’s in the wilderness.“I love the tranquility of being in nature, the greenery, the sense that life is moving forward,” she says. “Nature is very therapeutic. It’s the...
The Definition of an Athlete
“This body is fierce, beautiful, and unapologetic. It’s meant to move through the world as it wishes: lifting, walking and running, rolls and all.”– Mirna ValerioIn that glorious moment when Mirna Valerio completed her...
Give Your Brain a Break
Our brain needs a break approximately every 40 to 50 minutes. Lisa Belanger tells us how to properly recover from work and stress and why this is important.Prior to the pandemic, I spent several...
What’s in Your Wineskin?
We suggest the vegan-friendly BotaPro bota bag for all social beverages. Photo: www.botapro.comWinter is here and the mountains are calling! This year more than ever Canadians are planning to get outside and play in...