The Knee Clinic
Dr. R. Dale A. Macdonald, BA, DC, CSCS, FRCCS(C), ICSSD (Clinical Director at Elite Sport Performance).

With skyrocketing wait times nationwide and an aging population, knee issues are now a greater societal burden than ever.

“Most people suffering from knee pain and dysfunction do not have to go under the knife to solve their issues,” says clinical director, Dr. Dale Macdonald. Bridging the gap between public and private health care, there are many options beyond surgery at The Knee Clinic. “We ascribe to three pillars in our approach to care here,” he explains.

The first pillar is to treat the actual problem. In 2024 it is insufficient and arguably irresponsible to guess or approximate when specialized clinical skill and access to advanced imaging modalities can allow a precise diagnosis.

Once a specific diagnosis is established and precise care has begun, the second pillar is to strengthen the area. The knee is a unique joint with competing responsibilities. It must be flexible and mobile, yet strong and stable, all at the same time. The physiotherapists at The Knee Clinic focus precisely on creating a more stable environment for the knee, while avoiding further injury.

The third and final pillar is to avoid or modify offending activities. This involves continual patient education throughout the clinical journey and isn’t limited to just the knee. It can include foot and ankle mechanics, lateral pelvic strength, appropriate footwear and dietary and lifestyle choices.

“With everything available in-house, from imaging to injections, bracing to surgical consultations, we make family doctors look good in the eyes of the patient by giving them access to unrushed specialist care with a minimal wait time.” Referral is not required, and a patient
who reaches out can typically be seen in days rather than months and quickly begin to move confidently forward after a thorough assessment, diagnosis and development of a plan of management.

“Only a small percentage of bad knees need surgery, but in those cases, we can make arrangements either publicly or privately,” Macdonald says. ‘Stop Waiting; Stop Guessing’ concisely encapsulates the speed and peace of mind this unique clinic provides. 

Photography by Graham Mckerrell

The Knee Clinic

Suite 535, 10333 Southport Rd. SW
Calgary, AB T2W 3X6


Website: | Facebook: kneeclinicyyc | Instagram: kneeclinicyyc

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