Neurvana Naturopathic Medicine
Dr. Ryan Best, ND; Dr. Alexandra Smith, ND; Corey Deacon, DNM, CFMP, FAARFM, BCN, QEEGD; Dr. Erik Nelson, ND; Dr. Amy Morrison, ND.

Healing cannot occur without awareness. This is a guiding principle for the team at Neurvana Naturopathic Medicine, an integrative medical clinic that helps people with chronic health conditions find lasting ways to have less pain, more freedom and reclaim their quality of life using integrative evidence-based solutions.

“We believe that disease and disorder are ultimately driven by a misalignment with our fundamental nature,” Dr. Amy Morrison, Naturopath and part of the team that includes naturopathic doctors, functional medical specialists and neurofeedback technicians. “Naturopathic medicine is medicine that treats the pathologies that arise from this misalignment in the environmental, physical, emotional, intellectual, or spiritual level.”

In the last 10 years, improved access to more informative testing has transformed naturopathic medicine. Patients begin with a discovery call to understand the presenting concerns; the initial intake is a 90-minute deep dive into health history, current symptoms and the best route forward with comprehensive testing to determine the specific treatment protocols which can include diet and lifestyle modifications, supplements, neurofeedback, IV therapy, and laser therapy.

“Neurofeedback is a technique that allows us to retrain disharmonic brainwave patterns that may be driving stress in the nervous system,” explains Dr. Morrison. “It trains the subconscious mind to shift its automatic rhythm back to a more harmonious state. This technique has shown huge positive impacts on many conditions, including anxiety, depression, ADHD, ODD, autism, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, post-concussion disorder and PTSD.”

The team also uses Quantitative EEG’s with patients—a functional neuroanalysis that assesses brainwave activity and communication patterns within the brain. “Stress is the main cause of disease and disorder in our bodies,” Dr. Morrison adds. “The Quantitative EEG provides a brain map for us to distinguish the types of stress patients are dealing with— environmental, physical, emotional, metabolic, cognitive—so we can properly triage their care back to their own innate healing capacity.”

What drives the team at Neurvana Naturopathic Medicine is the fundamental concept that the body, mind and spirit all have built-in healing mechanisms, and evidence and results-based medicine and integrative technologies can better diagnose and address the issues, not simply cover up the symptoms.

Neurvana Naturopathic Medicine helps clients look at their reality differently and realign with their true nature on every level, which can lead to a radical and robust healing response.

Photography by Graham Mckerrell

Neurvana Naturopathic Medicine

330, 2020 4 St SW
Calgary, AB T2S 1W3


Website: | Facebook: NeurvanaHealth| Instagram: neurvanahealth

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