At Wayfound, improving the health and wellness of one individual, family, co-worker or neighbour can improve and strengthen the greater community. This is why our entire team works tirelessly to innovate, connect, train and research all aspects of mental wellness.

While maintaining physical health is widely accepted as a daily priority, for many of us, taking care of our mental health is far less routine. “There is so much about our emotional life and our psychology that we are not taught a whole lot about – we have to find out by trial and error, oftentimes, through difficult experiences,” says Dr. McElheran, Wayfound’s CEO and Chief Clinician.

Today, global rates of mental healthcare utilization are higher than ever. The team at Wayfound, while seeing a surge in clients reaching out compared to pre-pandemic days also strives to improve upon the need for better and more accessible mental healthcare for all.

“There is a revolution going on or about to happen in the mental health industry and we are excited to be on the vanguard of that,” McElheran says. “It will look specifically at using innovative technology to help people gain better access to healthcare and look at much more emphasis on prevention versus solely on reaction and only treatment.”

Wayfound, which is headquartered in Calgary, offers general and specialized services, including child and adolescent treatment and trauma treatment for first responders. McElheran says addressing mental health proactively is very important and often beneficial.

“Mental health is not about being happy all the time but about seeing the world clearly and yourself clearly,” she says.”

For some that might require reaching out for professional help. Our entire team is highly trained, compassionate and caring.

Ultimately, the team at Wayfound hopes to facilitate and lead a wider push for making the treatment and maintenance of mental health a top priority for everyone.

“Taking care of our mental health should be no different than taking care of our physical health”, says McElheran. Assessing how we are doing mentally and emotionally is something we all deserve and we hope to normalize this.  For more information on services or to get help now, visit us at


630, 999 8 Street SW, Calgary, AB T2R 1J5
403.850.6711 1.855.946.7792
Instagram: wayfoundmhg Facebook: wayfoundmhg