Oh no, not another one of those vegan chocolate puddings with a ‘secret healthy ingredient’ that is definitely just avocado… Wrong! Then obviously it’s silken tofu… Nope!
This pudding has a secret ingredient you would never imagine. Shout out to the One Ingredient Mom for first finding a similar recipe and sharing it with me. She told me it was oil free, sugar free, and made with a secret, healthy ingredient that I would ‘never guess.’
The pudding was chocolatey, rich, the perfect texture and incredibly sweet. I didn’t even believe her when she told me it was made with… sweet potatoes!
This pudding is crazy. Six simple ingredients and two minutes of blending is all it takes (once you’ve got some baked sweet potatoes.)
Serves 4
- 2 cups baked orange sweet potatoes
- 4-5 medjool dates
- 1/3 cup cocoa powder
- 1 ¼ cup light coconut milk
- Pinch of salt
- 1 tsp. vanilla
Give the pudding a taste and adjust anything you’d like. If it’s super thick (unlikely,) add more coconut milk. If you want it sweeter, add another date. If you want it more chocolately, add another Tbsp. of cocoa.
You can use almond milk to cut down the calories at the expense of a little richness from the coconut.
Bake some sweet potatoes! You need 2 cups, so that’s at least 3-4 medium-sized potatoes. Bake at about 375 F until they’re super soft.
Discard the potato skins and add the flesh to the blender with all the other ingredients. Blend until smooth!
Chill mixture for at least an hour (especially if the potatoes are still warm.) You can top the pudding with a bunch of nonsense like I did – coconut whipped cream, chocolate shavings, strawberry, whatever.
Nutrition facts per serving: Calories 369; protein 5.8 g; fat 19 g; carbs 53 g.