The aromatic ginger combined with cranberries makes this an exotic, lively twist on the traditional cranberry sauce.
Serves 10
- 2 (12-ounce) packages fresh cranberries
- ¼ cup filtered water
- 8 dates, soaked in filtered water for 30 minutes and pitted
- 1 cup candied ginger cubes
- Dash cinnamon
In a small saucepan, simmer all the ingredients over medium heat until the cranberries and dates break down to form a sauce. Adjust the sweetness to taste. Cool and serve.
Nutrition facts per serving: Calories 88; protein 1g; fat 0g; carbs 23g.
Savoury Sides Recipes:
Click to view this article in IMPACT Magazine – The Cool Issue, November/December 2017.
Rich Roll & Julie Piatt – Vegan athlete and chef, authors of The Plantpower Way
Instagram: @richroll @srimati Twitter: @richroll @srimati
Reprinted from The Plantpower Way by arrangement with Avery Books, a member of Penguin Group (USA) LLC, A Penguin Random House Company. Copyright ©2015, Rich Roll & Julie Piatt