The weather is on your side, so it’s time to leave the gym for your workout. Instead of riding that spin bike and grinding it out on the treadmill indoors, take your workout somewhere you can soak up some vitamin D. This high quality 75-minute session challenges your legs, lungs, core and upper trunk. The workout is great for triathletes or anyone who wants to break out of their gym routine, all in the great outdoors!
Find an area that’s relatively traffic-free for running and cycling with either an out-and-back road, a loop or 400m track, on, or off-road.
- 10 minute cycle, 5 minute run, 5 minute yoga movements such as downward dog, upward dog.
Main Set
- Cycle approximately 8-10 minutes or 5K at 90 rpm (intensity 7/10).
- Run 2 minutes or 400 metres (intensity 8/ 10).
- Mat work. Perform the following five exercises for 45 seconds with a 15-seconds transition between each, then circle back to start with cycling again:
1/2 Superman
Start with the full push-up and drop down to hands and knees if it becomes too challenging, lift and lengthen opposite arm and leg straight back. Stay as straight as you can. Repeat other side for 45 seconds.

Lunge Jumps
Start with right leg forward (90-degree bend at knee, making certain your knee is not past your toes) and the left trailing leg with a good bend. Keep your spine tall throughout. With an even thrust from both feet, quickly lift your feet off the turf and switch foot positions so your right leg is behind you and the left is in front in that same lunge position. Swing your arms for momentum. Repeat for 45 seconds.

Handwalk to Frog Push-up
From a standing position, squat down onto hands, walk out into push-up position. Attempt a full (or partial push-up) while bringing one knee toward adjacent elbow (frog style). Walk hands back toward feet slowly standing up. Repeat on the other side for 45 seconds.

Hip Lift Leg Raise
Lying on right side, right arm bent at 90 degrees, left arm behind back, hips pushed forward, right knee bent at 90 degrees, left leg straight. In one motion, using the right knee as your anchor point, lift your hip and raise your leg simultaneously. Repeat for 45 seconds then quickly switch over to your left side.

Speed Skater
In a semi-squat position, bend and load completely onto your left leg, then jump 3-4 feet to your right, landing softly on your right leg as your left leg swings behind. Use your arms for momentum. Repeat back and forth for 45 seconds.