With shorter days and cooler temperatures upon us, it’s an opportune time to change up your indoor workout regimen and continue to ramp up your winter fitness. Whether you’re winter running, hitting the slopes, or snowshoeing in the backcountry this season, strength, stability and endurance can make the difference when it comes to fitness and injury prevention. With this strength focus now, you will also create the foundation for the spring activities you love.

The following strength circuit uses a landmine (Olympic barbell secured to an anchor point) as the central exercise tool. This can also be achieved by placing the end of a barbell securely in a corner. Aim to use a weight that becomes challenging towards the last few reps, but still allows you to maintain good form. This circuit is geared to enhance joint stability, muscular balance, and co-ordination while improving strength and power. Complete each exercise in sequence then return to the start of the circuit. Complete three to four rounds in total.

15 reps/side

• Brace the bar against your upper chest with your left shoulder leaning on the weight plate. Step back the left leg as far as you can into a curtsy-lunge position. Your left knee should almost touch the ground. Quickly push from your right heel back to standing position while driving your left knee up. Repeat on the right.

15 reps

• Brace the bar in both hands like a goblet and assume a sumo-squat position, feet wide and toes out. Quickly push out of the squat position while simultaneously pressing the bar forward and upward with both hands. Return slowly to the start position.

15 reps/side

• Start with the bar in your left hand and your left foot off the ground. Keep your weight through the mid-foot of your right foot. Slowly hinge forward from your hips, extending your left leg behind you while keeping your spine straight and shoulders back. Aim to reach parallel to the floor as long as you can maintain form throughout. Return to the starting position by pushing through your right heel then switch to right side.

10 reps/side

• Start with the bar in your left hand and your left foot off the ground. Keep your weight through the mid-foot of your right foot. Slowly hinge forward from your hips, extending your left leg behind you while keeping your spine straight and shoulders back. Aim to reach parallel to the floor as long as you can maintain form throughout. Return to the starting position by pushing through your right heel then switch to right side.

15 reps/side

• Start in a hinged position parallel to the ground with the bar in your left hand and left leg extended behind you. Keeping your spine straight and shoulders back pull the bar up to your ribcage while drawing your left shoulder blade towards the right shoulder blade. Return to extended arm position. Repeat on the right side.

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Photography by Dave Laus
Apparel Courtesy of On

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