Have you run half-marathons before and are looking to see a faster time on the clock? Then this intermediate half-marathon plan is for you!
This 12-week plan assumes you are currently running three – four times per week and the distance of your long run is at least 10 kilometres. If you’re not currently running four days per week, skip Tuesday’s run in the plan until week four. Remember to keep the easy days easy but don’t be scared to push yourself on your speed days.
Don’t run your long (aerobic) days too fast. The pace legend has a range of goal finish times, from 1 hour 40 minutes to 2 hours 15 minutes, so ensure you keep to your goal.
Be sure to listen to your body. If you must miss a few days of training, carry on with the block as is. If you need to take a week
or more off, be sure to not increase the distance of your long run to where you left off. There are pullback weeks in this build
to enable you to recover properly and build stronger.
Aim for consistency in your build over perfection. And most of all, have fun!
Download a PDF of the 12-Week Half-Marathon Training Plan.
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