Imagine the time and energy it might have taken someone who procrastinates to:
1) think about doing the article, 2) put it on a “To Do” list, 3) talk about doing it, 4) promise himself he will start it tomorrow, 5) promise himself he will definitely start it tomorrow, 6) promise…well, you get the point.

As the deadline for the article draws near (it is midnight the night before the article is due), imagine the stress the writer must feel as he brews a pot of coffee and sets himself up for a couple of hours to research the topic, organize the information, create an outline, come up with a catchy opening line, write the article, rewrite the article, rewrite it again, print it out and rewrite it one more time. And, of course, the whole time he is beating himself up for waiting so long to start and telling himself he’s no good at writing anyway and the article will be junk.

This is procrastination in full, weedy flower. Delay. Broken promises and unfulfilled expectations. Feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. Worry. Fear. Stress. Overwork and probably not as good a product as the writer would have produced if he had tackled the job in a timely and reasonable manner.

Procrastination isn’t good for anyone, anytime. So why do so many do it? I’ve certainly done it , and I bet you have too! Not just around such matters as filing income tax and completing holiday shopping, but with everyday tasks such as doing the dishes, organizing the garage or starting a project at work.

The more difficult, inconvenient, or scary the task is perceived to be, the more procrastinators procrastinate. All too often semi-convincing self-talk makes the delay appear reasonable, but in the end it’s a self-defeating behaviour that causes all sorts of problems, not the least of which is stress.

Here are ten strategies to overcome procrastination:

  1. Set Goals.
    Decide what you want and what needs to happen to get it. Be specific and create a realistic timetable.
  2. Commit.
    Make a contract with yourself. Tell a friend, co-worker, or family member about your plan.
  3. Set Priorities.
    Make a list of the things that need to be done in order of their importance.
  4. Get Organized.
    Have the right tools and equipment to do the job. Make lists. Keep a schedule.
  5. Think Small.
    Don’t let the entirety of the project overwhelm you. Stay in the present and chip away at the process.
  6. Break Tasks into Bite-Sized Pieces.
    The “Swiss cheese” approach to getting any major project completed is to break it apart and work on one piece at a time.
  7. Use Positive Self-Talk.
    Think “carrot” versus “stick”.
  8. Replace Excuses with Rational, Realistic Thinking.
  9. Remember There is No Such Thing as Perfection.
    Begin the thing knowing it can never be done perfectly. You’ll do your best.
  10. Reward Yourself.
    Frequently and generously pat yourself on the back; enjoy your accomplishments.

Like many other self-defeating behaviours, procrastination can be overcome. The place to begin is exactly where you are and the time to start is now!

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