In traditional mayonnaise, eggs are used because they’re high in protein and work well to emulsify the oil with the liquids. In my plant-based mayonnaise, the eggs are replaced with tofu, which emulsifies the oil in the same way the egg would because it is high in protein. 

Makes 4 cups


  • 1 block firm or extra-firm silken tofu (see Note)
  • 2 Tbsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 Tbsp. agave nectar
  • 1 Tbsp. Dijon mustard
  • 1 tsp. sea salt
  • ½ tsp. unpasteurized apple cider vinegar
  • ¼ tsp. garlic powder
  • 2 cups vegetable oil
  • ½ cup extra-virgin olive oil


  1. In a high-speed blender (see Note), combine the tofu, lemon juice, agave, mustard,
    salt, apple cider vinegar, and garlic powder. Blend until smooth and creamy.
  2. With the blender running on the lowest setting, drizzle the vegetable oil through the feed tube in a slow, steady stream. At first, you want to pour the vegetable oil in very slowly to help build the emulsification. After you have poured about ½ cup of the vegetable oil through the feed tube, you can increase the blender speed to medium. Add the olive oil after all the vegetable oil has been added.
  3. Transfer to an airtight container and refrigerate for one hour to allow the mayonnaise to set. Serve immediately or store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to one week.


  1. Silken tofu comes in specialty ascetic packs that are shelf stable and do not require refrigeration until they have been opened. This is different from vacuum- or water-packed tofu. 
  2. If you are using a high-speed blender, make sure not to blend the mayonnaise at a high speed. This can cause the mayo to get too hot, which can cause it to split. Mayonnaise is an example of an emulsion. Sometimes emulsions can split. Various factors affect the science behind an emulsion, including temperature of the ingredients and speed of the blender. If the mayonnaise splits, remove it from the blender and add a little more tofu and about 2 Tbsp. of cold water and blend until smooth. Return the broken mayo slowly to the puréed tofu as you would if it were pure oil. Blend until smooth and creamy.

    Roasted Red Pepper Mayo: Once the mayo has cooled, transfer to a medium bowl. Add ½ cup puréed roasted red peppers, 2 Tbsp. nutritional yeast, and 1 tsp. dried basil. Mix with the mayo until well combined.
    Herbed Olive Mayo: Once the mayo has cooled, transfer to a medium bowl. Add
    ⅓ cup finely chopped pitted Kalamata olives, 1 tsp. dried oregano, and a pinch of finely grated lemon zest. Mix with the mayo until well combined.
    Chipotle Aioli: Once the mayo has cooled, transfer to a medium bowl. Add
    3 Tbsp. Dijon mustard, 3 Tbsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice, 2 tsp. dried chipotle powder, ½ tsp. smoked paprika, and ¼ tsp. sea salt. Mix with the mayo until well combined.

Nutrition facts per one cup Calories 1334; protein 8 g; fat 144 g; carbs 6 g.  

Photography by Nicole Axworthy

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