How are the winners chosen?
All nominees will be notified the first week of November, and will be scored based on specific criteria. For example, having fitness certifications and education will garner points.
Do you give points for trainers who get the most nominations?
No. Trainers only need one nomination to be considered for the contest. Trainers who have multiple nominations will still only be scored once.
Who chooses the winners?
IMPACT will score and rank the nominees using a blind-scoring process which identifies the nominees by number only. The top 10 trainers with the most points are declared the winners.
Can previous winners be nominated again?
Yes, as long as they haven’t been featured two years in a row.
When will the winners be announced?
The winners will be announced publicly when IMPACT Magazine’s Jan/Feb 2024 issue is published.
How are the winners recognized?
Each of the winners will be featured in the Jan/Feb 2024 issue of IMPACT Magazine. In addition, they will be honoured at an awards ceremony in 2024.
When will winners be notified?
Winners will be notified in mid December 2023.

Nominations are now closed
Note: By submitting this nomination form, your email will be automatically added to IMPACT Magazine’s e-newsletter subscription list. You may unsubscribe at any time.
All nominees will be scored on subjects such as education, certifications, years in the business, philanthropy and community service. Additional topics which include success stories and personal fitness philosophies will be ‘blind-scored’ by our skilled expert panelists who will spend hours reading some pretty inspiring stories.