Heading into its third year, the TranSelkirks Run takes place August 25-29, 2019 in beautiful Revelstoke, British Columbia. Runners can choose either a three-day or five-day option, with the five-day option covering as much vert and distance as the HardRock 100 mile race in Colorado (100 miles and roughly 33,000 vertical feet of climbing). If you’re not quite ready for that challenge, you can also opt for the three-day event, which covers approximately 100 km. It is part of the TransRockies race series and is modeled after the six-day TransRockies event in Colorado.

“Revelstoke is still such a hidden treasure,” says race director and co-founder, Jacob Puzey. “It’s getting busier, but is still so wild and untouched.”
Known for its stunning peaks and incredible downhill skiing, Revelstoke is also growing a reputation as both a trail-running and a mountain-biking mecca. Trails run everywhere and Revelstoke is pushing hard to attract more eco-tourists involved in the mountain-biking and hiking cultures.
While TransRockies offers runners the option of camping in a large tent village, for the same price, TranSelkirks gives racers the option of staying in an upscale resort hotel at the base of Revelstoke Mountain Resort. Racers are transported to the stage start each morning and treated to a gourmet buffet meal each evening at Revelation Lodge, located part way up the mountain (reachable by the resort’s gondola). Between the end of the stage and dinner, runners can relax at the pool or on the hotel patios; they can explore the town of Revelstoke or book a massage or an athletic therapy treatment.
“Because we have a large family and understand how hard it is to get away to do this kind of event, my wife and I wanted to give ultrarunners the option of bringing their families along to the race,” says Puzey. Because it is based at a hotel, one parent can race during the day, and then spend time at the pool or at dinner with their family. The town has so much to offer between hiking, lake swimming and mountain biking or just strolling the quaint streets of downtown.
TranSelkirks is the first and only trail race sanctioned to take place in a national park. “We have been so honored to work with Parks Canada to bring more people to beautiful Mt. Revelstoke National Park,” says Puzey. The trails are well maintained and the park staff is on site for the two stages in the park and really get into cheering for the runners.

If you haven’t yet been to Revelstoke, consider putting this event on your August, 2019 calendar. There are only 12 spots left in the three-day event, and fewer than 50 left in the five day.
Run wild in the Selkirks!

To learn more and register, visit: www.transelkirks.com