Experience This Beautiful Race Through Quiet Streets & Ocean Views

With the marathon distance already sold out and the half marathon with only 450 spots left as of August, the Royal Victoria Marathon (RVM) is predicting it will completely sell out this summer, months before the event in October.

The event had originally increased its spots available in the marathon by 21% this year in comparison to 2023, but those sold out in the spring. They continued to add additional spots over the last few months, but those have now sold out.

“We increased our race caps by 30% this year and we’re still going to sell out” stated Cathy Noel, Race Director of the RVM.

“We haven’t seen these types of numbers since 2010, the year we set our registration number record of over 13,000 with 11,040 finishers. We couldn’t be more excited to see the sport growing like this with our event and others around the globe.”

Cathy Noel – Race Director, RVM
Royal Victoria Marathon Coastline 2023

The RVM will be celebrating its 44th annual event October 12-13, 2024. The weekend includes the 5K and Thrifty Foods Kids Run on the Saturday, followed by the marathon, half marathon and 8K on the Sunday.

World Rankings Competition 2024 LogoWorld-renowned for its beautiful ocean-side course with views of the Olympic Mountains, it is also considered a fast course, with many runners hitting PBs and/or qualifying for the Boston Marathon. A World Athletics sanctioned event it is also host to the Canadian Masters Half Marathon Championships and the BC Marathon Championships.

New in 2024, the event has added a Team Challenge. Participants form a team of 2-4 people, with each signing up to do one of the distances – marathon, half marathon, 8K and 5K. With bragging rights and prizes on the line, this makes for a great team building event.

Back for the 20th year is the CHEK Charity Pledge Program, with 17 charities signed up to raise funds through the RVM platform. In 2024 the event is hoping to hit the $2.5 million raised since its inception in 2005.

This year’s participants will receive Under Armour shirts specific to their race distance. Marathoners will receive a long sleeve shirt as well as exclusive Outway RVM socks. Half marathoners will receive a long sleeve shirt, while those in the 8K will receive a short sleeve shirt and the 5K will take home a RVM sling bag. All will receive a distance specific medal as well as a race bag.

The Victoria Marathon Society, who organize the RVM, want to continue to grow the sport and believe education and training is a large component of this. To that end, they offer a number of free resources, including an online Facebook Training Group, training plans for all abilities on their website and a monthly Speaker Series presented by Marsquest. The speaker series is open to the public, providing an opportunity for people to ask questions of the panel of experts.

For more information about RVM, please visit www.runvictoriamarathon.com. Register today, book your accommodation through their partner program and get ready for Victoria before it is too late!

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