Dr. Alan Chong, Clinical Director of CSDC
Helping people get active again is the mission that Dr. Alan Chong leads his team to do at Calgary Spinal Decompression Centre. Whether clients are suffering back or neck pain, degenerative or bulging discs, or a pinched nerve, relief may be in your sight. Expert diagnosis and safe noninvasive treatments are offered at CSDC.
“We assist people with significant back or neck problems. Helping active people with chronic spinal problems is why I created CSDC almost 10 years ago,” says Dr. Chong, a chiropractor of 30 years. “People who have struggled to stay active because of their spinal problems seek me out,” he says. “And they want answers and solutions that work.”
CSDC attracts clients who are tired of taking medication and don’t want the more invasive spinal injections or surgery. The Centre focuses on corrective approaches using modalities such as the DRX9000 to effectively decompress and laser therapy to rehabilitate degenerative and damaged spinal discs. Dr. Chong’s team sees the impact that chronic pain has on peoples’ lifestyles and CSDC aims to get them back to fully functional.
Essential to spinal correction is a unique approach to each and every client. “We help people get well and stay well. It’s not just about short-term pain relief,” Dr. Chong says. Patients are seeking out CSDC from places well beyond Calgary. “People are searching us out by our reputation and online reviews,” says Dr. Chong. “We want to be known as a Spine Centre of Excellence, a place people can trust for getting honest opinions and great results,” adds the good doctor. “Our goal is their goal — to return clients to their active healthy lifestyle.”
Dr. Chong can be contacted at:
Suite 9, 400 Crowfoot Cres. NW, Calgary, AB T3G 5H6
403.276.2732 – www.calgaryspinaldecompression.ca