We are excited to share the great news today for Alberta gyms and fitness studios! Premier Jason Kenny has announced that Alberta will be going ahead with Stage 2 of the provincial relaunch plan on Friday, June 12, 2020. Fortunately, the low COVID-19 case numbers have continued to stay low, thanks to the cooperation of many Albertans allowing for this very anticipated relaunch to take place.
Participation for indoor gatherings has been increased to 50 people as long as social distancing of 2 meters can be maintained. Included in this relaunch are indoor pools, fitness and sports facilities, gyms, pools and recreation facilities.
Some larger facilities have indicated that they may need to wait for the release of re-opening guidelines before officially opening to ensure all spaces can meet these guidelines, and to prepare accordingly with training, and increase staff members to ensure a safe re-opening for the community. Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Alberta’s chief medical officer of health, said specific guidance for operators of fitness centres will draw a line between high- and low-intensity activities, with more physical distance between participants required for high-intensity training. “For lower-intensity activities, a distance of two metres would be adequate, with some enhanced measures for the regular cleaning of equipment,” says Hinshaw. For activities such as yoga classes, participants are suggested that they bring their own yoga mat.

“Enjoy life, do it safely, and no need to panic,” says Kenny.
“There will be local outbreaks, and some of those may require targeted measures to stamp them out. But if we stay vigilant and disciplined, if we stay dedicated, especially to protecting the most vulnerable, we’ll be able to continue lifting the restrictions and expanding opportunities throughout the relaunch,” Kenney said.
We are thrilled for our fitness and sports community who as a collective have worked so hard to help make this happen. Congratulations everyone!