More than 1,100 Canadian men are diagnosed with testicular cancer every year and more than 50 of them die, according to the Canadian Cancer Society. With cancer rates doubling in the last 50 years, IMPACT asked Toronto trainer Darrel Mancini, a testicular cancer survivor and moustachioed Movember supporter, to share wisdom learned during his battle. Here’s what he told us:

  1. Be active and connected with your body
    The first question I ask clients before starting sessions is “How do you feel today?” This gets them to reflect on anything that might be bothering them. I truly believe when people are active, they create a special connectivity to their bodies.
  2. Get regular checkups
    I waited two weeks before getting checked out. Luckily, my cancer was caught at a very early stage. Don’t procrastinate, see your doctor regularly — especially if something feels off.
  3. Educate yourself
    Do some research about the disease, including how to check for tumors, the age people are affected, symptoms and treatment.
  4. Keep a positive attitude
    Cancer gave me a totally different outlook on life and it actually turned me into a more positive person. Testicular cancer is treatable with a high survival rate (95 per cent) when caught early.
  5. Be open with friends and family
    The road would have been tougher had I travelled it alone without a supportive family.