David Balfour’s medical charts might be the only thing someone needs to read to discover the raison d’etre for Clayton Heights Sports and Therapy Centre. A young athlete and entrepreneur, Mr. Balfour suffered catastrophic injuries in two separate car accidents just five years apart in 2003 and 2008. Rehabilitation was a long and arduous process—both times—learning to walk again, coping with concussion, proving the doctors wrong about his chances for recovery. His laundry list of injuries affected every part of his body, from serious head trauma to dozens of shattered bones.
“They did manage to put Humpty Dumpty back together again. All it took was 23 surgeries, three rods, a metal plate, a pin and 18 screws,” he says. Through the months and years of rehab, Mr. Balfour’s eyes opened to a significant finding about the practitioners he went to for help. Some were passionate, caring and patient focussed, while others seemed more concerned with the business operations.
When he founded Clayton Heights in Surrey, B.C. in 2011, Mr. Balfour separated those responsibilities, taking care of business himself, while carefully assembling a team of multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary therapists whose only concern was the welfare of their patients. What started with one part-time physio has evolved into a team of 22 therapists and five support staff. Treatment plans are customized for each person, not only based on their injury, but also their personality and culture.
“I had a vision of a clinic where patient care was the focus and getting results mattered. It mattered a lot to me,” he says. “My heart felt that if I hired passionate practitioners and let them do what they did best—help their patients, and I did what I could do best—market, grow, brand and support the therapist, then we would succeed.”
Physio, chiropractic and massage therapy are at the core of Clayton Heights services, with the most modern of techniques and equipment providing virtually every kind of therapy for an injured client, or for those who want to stay injury free.
“Our mission is to help improve your life and lifestyle by helping you get better and be injury free. We get you back to normal—whatever your normal is. We do this by finding the root source of your injuries, treating them and customizing a plan to hit and exceed your goals and expectations.”
Clayton Heights Sports & Therapy Centre
105- 18640 Fraser Hwy, Surrey B.C. V3S 7Y4
604- 579-0105
Website: claytonheightsphysio.com | Facebook: claytonphysio | Instagram: claytonphysio

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