Running is an increasingly popular form of exercise with the realization that all one needs to participate is a pair of good running shoes. But many runners can be sidelined by injury due to overtraining, muscle imbalances or overuse.
Bridging the gap between hitting the pavement and pumping iron could be the new secret weapon that keeps runners going further and longer. As mileage climbs, runners must have the strength and fitness to withstand the demands on their bodies.
Single-leg exercises that replicate the unilateral motion of running are a key component of training for the physically demanding sport. Emphasizing hip stability, knee strength, and lower-body control, these strength exercises can be a great addition to your routine and help you run strong and run long.

Single-Leg Kettlebell Deadlift
10 – 12 reps x 3 sets
- Stand tall holding a kettlebell with two hands. Plant your working foot, loading most of your weight into it. Staying tall, hinge at the hips, reaching the kettlebell towards the floor. As you hinge forward, elevate your non-working leg.
- Stop a few inches off the ground and return to standing by driving the hips forward and engaging the glute of your planted leg.
Pro Tip: Master the hinge by focusing on pushing your hips back to the wall behind you.

Single-Leg Step Down
10 – 12 reps x 3 sets
- With straight arms in front of you, plant one foot on the edge of a box and let your other leg hang off the edge. Softly and with control, bend your planted knee and lower your non-working foot toward the ground.
- Aim to gently tap your heel on the floor, before driving through your planted foot to return to the top.
Pro Tip: Splay your toes and try to “grab the ground” to help balance.

Reverse Lunge to March
10 – 12 reps x 3 sets
- Start by standing tall, holding a kettlebell in your outer hand. Perform a reverse lunge by stepping your outer leg down and back into a lunge position.
- Pushing through your front foot, stand up while driving your back leg forward into a marching position. Hold for a second before descending into another lunge.
Pro Tip: Focus on something stationary to help with your balance.

Dumbbell Goblet Squat
10 – 12 reps x 3 sets
- Hold a dumbbell vertically, gripping the sides tightly with two hands. Keeping it tight to your chest, inhale as you descend into your squat by sitting the hips back.
- Descend to a parallel position before driving through your heels to return to the top. Stand up tall, engaging the core and exhaling on the way up.
Pro Tip: Squat down as if you were sitting down in a chair, sitting back into your heels.
Photography by Todd Duncan
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