What keeps you motivated to stay active and reach new goals? IMPACT Magazine reached out to the social community to find out why you run, why you hit the gym, why you stay active.
We asked Facebook and Twitter users what’s “Your Top Reason to Get Fit?” In a nod to our 25th anniversary year, here are responses from 25 morale boosting people to get you into success mode for 2016.
1. I turned 50 this year and found running four years ago. Hiking and backpacking were always passions of mine and now trail running is. I’m training to do my first ultra in 2016, and I will start with a 50K with the hopes for a 100 miler in a year or two.
Michael Wrede
50: Nakusp, B.C.

2. To minimize pain and maximize strength.
Lisa Workman
35: Edmonton, Alta.

3. It makes me feel so fabulous: mentally, emotionally and physically. Fit is empowering!
Beth Agro
50: Toronto, Ont.

4. It’s more staying fit for me. It’s a lifetime adjustment and commitment.
Chris Corson
48: Burnaby, B.C.
5. To feel joyful and fully alive both mentally and physically.
Nancy Tinari
56: Port Moody, B.C.

6. I stay fit to stay balanced and to be a credible leader for my high school PE students. Living what I preach!
Lisa Taylor
31: Calgary, Alta.
7. I want to see what I am capable of. Every time I set a huge, seemingly unattainable goal, hard work and dedication gets me there. So I will keep setting the bar higher every year and see how much more I can do.
Tara MacDonald
43: North Saanich, B.C.

8. To inspire others.
Christine Blanchette
49: Vancouver, B.C.

9. I just turned 50 this fall, and I realize that getting and staying fit will serve my body well for the next 50 years. The later you wait to start the harder it will be.
Bethann Dekoker
50: Hespeler, Ont.
10. To help fuel my new passion of trail running. I want to try longer distances (50K ultras), and I know I’ll need to add more overall fitness to accomplish my goals.
Jon Shephard
40: Kamloops, B.C.

11. One: to recover from an overuse injury and get back into trail running. Two: to look good in my wedding dress in the spring. Three: My mother passed away this past year due to a heart attack at the same age as her mother did as well, 66. I want to make sure to get in, and stay in shape so that I can help prevent the same issues that happened to both of them.
Rebecca Spiers
37: Olds, Alta.
12. To live!
Greg Puchniak
44: Surrey, B.C.

13. I need to get fit to be able to run two trail races, a 25K and a 50K, next year both successfully and smiling.
Wendi Moore
48: Calgary, Alta.
14. I have no actual reason to get fit. I just love nature, the outdoors and the experiences. My passions made me athletic and fit. It’s just an added bonus.
Kim Ross
Port Moody, B.C.
15. For better physical health. I feel happier and it helps with stress reduction.
Grace Dafoe
22: Calgary, Alta.

16. It started with a half marathon, then five in a year and then two tri sprints plus a Disney challenge run. I set the bar a little higher each year, and I challenge myself to new directions. Setting specific goals helps me achieve what I want, even when it seems crazy or impossible!
Heather Roy
33: Calgary, Alta.

17. So my body doesn’t get old before I do.
Julie Snider
32: Red Deer, Alta.

18. For me it’s not about getting fit, but it’s about staying fit. No matter what life is like! I stay fit for health, energy, happiness and to be the best version of me possible! Having a fitness goal keeps my training focused and planned out. My goals change depending on the season I’m in.
Katie Fisher
31: Calgary, Alta.
19. To be able to explore and experience the world, while collecting peak moments to add to my life story!
Mandy Johnson
58: Canmore, Alta.

20. 2016 = Ironman Coeur d’Alene. I’m also turning 30 and getting married!
Steeven Jobin
29: St. Albert, Alta.

21. As a mom of two kids, I want to put myself first for once.
Christine Kasturi
36: Edmonton, Alta.

22. Life is too much fun to not be a part of it!
Cheryl Baker
50: Calgary, Alta.

23. To show my daughters what setting goals, training and achieving them looks like! Plus it makes me a better parent and wife.
Amy Woodward-Kennedy
32: Calgary, Alta.
24. The most gratifying reason for staying fit has been inspiring others around me to do the same. Within the past year, I did my first half and then a full marathon. My co-workers saw my commitment and were inspired. Later, three of these colleagues ran their first races ever including 10Ks and half marathons, with me running alongside them!
Jeff Shikaze
29: Calgary, Alta.

25. To keep up with my trainer husband and to be a great example of how to live life for my niece and nephews.
Shauna Puchniak
45: Surrey, B.C.

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