Gimbel Eye Centre

Dr. Howard Gimbel refocuses on teaching and mentoring

Gimbel Eye Centre
LEFT TO RIGHT: Dr. Scott Sauer, BSc, OD; Dr. Geoffrey Kaye, MB, ChB, FCS(SA), FRCSC; Dr. Mona Purba, BSc, OD;Dr. John A. van Westenbrugge, MD, FRCSC; Howard V. Gimbel MD, MPH, FRCSC, FACS, C.M., A.O.E; Dr. Helen Chung, BMSc, MD, FRCSC; Dr. Kevin Warrian, BA (Hons), BSc (Med), MD, MA, FRCS(C); Dr. Jamie Bhamra, BSc, MD, FRCSC; Dr. Micah Luong, BSc, OD, MD, FRCSC.Photo: Jenia Kos

Calgary’s Gimbel Eye Centre is entering a bright new era as it expands its team of doctors and continues to provide the most up-to-date corrective eye treatments available to patients.

Topping off a career that has spanned five decades, Dr. Howard Gimbel, founder of the Gimbel Eye Centre, is transitioning away from surgical practice and focusing on his other roles at the clinic: owner and operator, teacher and mentor to his team of specialists, and a coach to patients.

“This time of transition is also a time of opportunity,” says Dr. Gimbel. “Building on our team, we see an expanding life for the Centre.”

Some of the newer doctors to the Gimbel team include optometrist Dr. Scott Sauer; ophthalmologist Dr. Helen Chung; and the only eye specialist in Alberta dual trained in optometry and ophthalmology, Dr. Micah Luong.

In addition, ophthalmologist Dr. Jamie Bhamra, who operates Vector Eye Centre in Calgary, performs cataract and corneal procedures for Vector patients at the Gimbel surgical facility, as well as Gimbel Eye Centre patients wanting laser or intraocular vision correction procedures.

The Gimbel clinic is renowned for introducing new ophthalmological procedures in Canada and North America. Dr. Gimbel pioneered revolutionary cataract surgery in the Calgary clinic in 1974 and has been on the cutting edge of corrective laser surgery for the past 30 years. The Clinic continues to offer the most advanced procedures available in Calgary.

Detailed information about treatments can be found on the Gimbel website; however, booking a consultation is the best way to find out what’s possible for an individual. Assessment involves measurements and tests of the eyes to determine the best options for prospective patients and to answer their questions.

In some cases, people who were once told that they weren’t good candidates for corrective eye treatment may discover that there are new safe and effective options available to them.

Anyone interested in learning more is encouraged to visit the website or call the clinic.

Gimbel Eye Centre

Market Mall Executive Professional Centre, 450, 4935 – 40 Avenue N.W., Calgary, AB T3A 2N1 • 403.286.3022
Facebook @Gimbel-Eye-Centre