Avid runners know the thrill of completing a marathon, the overwhelming sense of accomplishment when you cross that finish line after months of training. They will likely also tell you about how running a marathon requires physical and mental focus and strength. In this article, we will explore some physical implications of training and how you can manage them.

Beginners vs. Elite Athletes

An important consideration about the physical impact of long distance running is your baseline status. Sedentary individuals seem to incur a more intense acute injury to bones and joints when they initially start training compared to those who have been training for six months or more.

So, if you are looking to support your bones and joints while training, regardless of your current athletic level, you need to provide your body with all the minerals and supplements that support muscles, joints and provide the materials for bone remodelling to occur. Minerals such as strontium, found in Strontium Support II, and calcium along with vitamins D and K, found in Bone Basics™, can act as building blocks for bone. By providing a strong foundation, your body will be able to quickly adapt to exercises and sustain more impact.

Marathon trainers are often well acquainted with the notion that building muscle mass is an integral part of their training regime as well. Increased muscle mass allows for increased strength, improved metabolism and joint support. Protein, like that found in Advanced Whey Protein, is an important nutrient. It provides essential amino acids that are the building blocks for muscle growth, recovery and repair.

Muscle Cramps, Cramping Your Style?

The involuntary contraction of muscles can be attributed to three major causes: circulatory, nerve conduction, and electrolyte imbalances. Prevention lays in addressing these causes. The simplest way to prevent cramps is hydrating with electrolyte solutions, and ensure that the muscles are bathed with all of the nutrients necessary for proper impulse and contraction. Circulation can be improved by ensuring that the vasodilator molecule, nitric oxide found in NOx Boost, is present and the repletion of mineral deficiencies, particularly magnesium with Magnesium Synergy, can restore regularity of contraction that can speed recovery and get you moving again!

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